The Tagbanua Masikampo: A Noble Lineage

        From the phrase ‘mas et ampu” or “higher than lords” this title is not based upon Spanish term “Maestro de campo” which Dr. Fox states that its origin may at least be one hundred fifty years or older.  The term “mas” means “greater” and “ampu” means “lord” with “ampuan” meaning “Lord” or “Maguindusa”, the Supreme God of the Tagbanuas. This rank is considered as higher than the Datu but lesser than the Sultan. By virtue of the authority of the Masicampo and based on intergenerational knowledge passed to the present successor, the term “Maestro de Campo” is hereby corrected in accordance with the right of cultural integrity.
     The Masicampo is a vassal from the Sultan of Burnay (Brunei) who first established the civil hierarchy long before the colonization of Spain in the Philippines. It was a legend that the Masicampo is the son of the Sultan of Brunei by reason of the legend of Inagawan, the seat of the Masicampo of Palawan.


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