
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Tagbanua: Future Untold

What does the future hold for the Tagbanua and the Indigenous people of Palawan? Multiple generations passed and here we stand with our children in a society that has changed by the turn of the century. Our forefathers who used to be gatherers, farmers and fisherfolk were brought up with poor to no formal education. Living up on the boondocks and far from state-sponsored schools, a good number of the population did not have the opportunity to get basic or higher education. The small number of those who were close to the main towns were either too poor to afford the cost of education or stigmatized based on stories of old. How will the story unfold with the new generation of tribal members? Will we take up to the challenge of bringing our families out of poverty by striving to be educated and working to better the tribe? We must.

Tagbanua: A Simple Life

The Tagbanua and most of the Indigenous People in the South of Palawan dream of a simple life. It is a life that revolves around family, the tribe and society, itself. Every member of the tribe endeavors to provide sustenance to their family and uplift themselves from the rigorous poverty that encumbers everyone. There is really no opportunity available or reachable for most of the Tagbanua. The cycle of helplessness is palpable, but we hope and fight for an equal opportunity to survive and realize these dreams in the near future.